Meet the Island-Themed Math Game, Shore Seekers

Shore Seekers is an island-theme math game and a great way for early elementary kids to practice addition and early multiplication.
The theme of turtle migration is throughout gameplay and helps to engage kids in this fun math game! Every few years, green sea turtles swim thousands of miles to return to their hatching grounds to lay their precious eggs. In Shore Seekers, players take turns rolling dice and collect cards to determine how far their turtles will swim as they seek the perfect spot on the shore to lay their eggs.

The Basics of Gameplay
Players roll one die at a time (up to three) trying to reach a sum of seven or less. This allows kids to practice risk, decision making and addition. If you take a risk to roll two or three times and the sum of the dice equals more than seven, you must move back to the coral reef where you started! When a player chooses to roll just one die, the number on that die is how many spaces they will move their turtle. If they choose to roll two or three dice (and the sum remains at seven or less), they multiply that sum by the number of dice rolled to equal the number of spaces to move.

Object of the Game
Players move their turtle around the island collect cards along the way to determine how many eggs will be in their nest. At the end of the game, the player whose turtle has laid the most eggs, wins. Shore Seekers is for 2-7 players ages 7 and older and takes about 30 minutes to play.
What Makes Shore Seekers Special
“I love Shore Seekers for its ability to engage kids across numerous math levels!” said Patty Pearcy, President and CEO of SimplyFun. “The game play also presents important life skills that can either push you forward or set you back in the game. Assessing risk and potential reward are key elements in decision making. Watching the impact of your decisions within the game helps kids practice risk assessment. But, also, it builds resiliency when a decision produces unexpected consequences– really a microcosm of decision making in life!”