Build Creativity with Asymbol

Get ready to flex your creative muscles with wood building blocks and shapes in Asymbol, an imaginative game the entire family will love! You’ll be thinking outside the box as you come up with inventive ways to communicate your ideas with a variety of wooden shapes.

Meet Asymbol
Asymbol focuses on exploring imagination and creativity as you build 3D forms from any number of the 47 wooden shapes included in the game. Players take turns drawing cards and choosing from one of the two subjects shown. Now, it’s time to build while challenging others to guess your vision! You’ll pick from a variety of unique shapes to assemble the subject of choice. Category cards include beings, places, things, events or activities. Both the correct guesser and builder earn points, and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins! You can play with 3-6 players in 30 minutes or less. Therefore, it makes it perfect for busy families who want to commit to play every day!

What Makes Asymbol Special?
“Shapes and geometric forms are essential building blocks in a visual vocabulary,” said Patty Pearcy, President and CEO of SimplyFun. “Therefore, the ability to identify basic shapes and how they relate to each other is the foundation for understanding and solving more complex patterning challenges. Asymbol nurtures these skills and is adored by kids and parents alike!”

Game On
Life & Thinking Skills is one of four skill sets that SimplyFun focuses on when developing games. Other skill sets at SimplyFun include Reading & Language Arts, Social Sciences & Studies, and Math & STEM. Add Asymbol to your game library for an unforgettable family game night!